an official letter from Granada to Carlos Herrera Onda Cero
Dear Carlos.
My reason to listen every morning no others have been pleased to hear an unbiased, consistent and objective ........ essential qualities in the profession of journalist, but in few English media, and now I think neither, it's easy to find. I enjoyed it too much of your great skills as a communicator and frankly, I enjoyed it quite hear you.
And so I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I had to do to end your more human side from the negative side. View as fairness, consistency and objectivity have been leaving your opinions as the subject of the economic crisis progresses. I have endured day after day to see that, first, dropping hints to that "tuck hand" (sorry, I can not think right now a more correct to say) once a public employee. And then the last few days, check the satisfaction that causes you that the Government has finally taken this step, among other, cut public spending.
would like to make an aside here. It seems that many people think only in the Expenses incurred by your (ours as well, do not forget), pockets. You forget and you laugh at the "PRODUCTION" public that is the reason for this expense. Is that neither you think about it. I'm not talking to senior positions finger and damaged more than fix that will not go, do not hesitate, but the "Curritos" than any company we work Our thirty-seven and half hours a week, often in conditions more complicated because we do not have sufficient means to live up to what we are responsible. Following public angry and impatient, caring and training your children, being responsible for the health of patients who have to do in record time, maintaining and cleaning the areas in which you live, protecting your security .... Finally .... Same
you did not need these services because they can afford private means: managers, schools, clinics, medical, security, etc. ...., but I assure you that much of the population, among whom I meet, the need because our salary, we have privileged, do not give more. Of those who do not, or I speak.
Anyway, I heard you defend this action and ... well, is your opinion as that of many people. Unjust, indicative of a total ignorance of, our work (how are you going to know if, as I said, just have to use it?) And, for me, sorry. It is my work, you speak of. That you think should be paid less. Underestimate the final.
But anyway, I continued listening to yet because you did not do more than show that, an opinion. But today I'm going to quit. Today I found that you've become partial, inconsistent and subjective. And I do not hear it interesting.
Now that the government has stopped looking at me and looks at you, I understand it going among the lucky people who earn more than 80,000 euros a year, you feel angry. See the "buts" to leave citizens with less money to spend and find that this measure is unfair and unhelpful, even worse, it can be devastating to markets.
Ya. What markets? "For large companies like Loewe? Does the Mercedes house? Why the Alfonso XIII hotel? Why Zalacaín or restaurants like La Broche? I assure you that you earn more than eighty thousand euros per year (declared) not going, by the rise of a point or two more in income tax to stop spending on them. Nor will notice, I assure you. That market is not going to be resentful. And if not you can, which I doubt, because he will still turn to non-reporting earning fortunes. Always has been. These large companies, they never fail their customers.
The neighborhood shops, the bar underneath the house, normalitos restaurants, two hotels and three stars, the lower ranges of vehicles .... this market is that we can access most of the English and many others live, as it is not frequented by people earning over 80,000 euros per year, as it does is affected.
I tend to think, for the part that touches me, that cutting salaries of public employees, who shamelessly knowledge or defend, it's going to hurt. Yes it will hurt the pension freeze. We arrive later this month just past, so the money they take away now, we must remove our consumption in these establishments / companies. In this cut, of course, we must add the VAT hike and electricity, of which no one is free. So the mil / euros in 1500 we won the majority of us, once we implement the pay cut, as you understand a little that you consume, we will pay the mortgage / rent, food, water, light .... and little else we will be for consumption.
Carlos, everyone can bring breakfast to work from home, there is little problem. We can also put up with shoes and clothing last year, taking us home beer with our friends, they also eat at home instead of going to a restaurant from time to time and "work through" the car a little more. The problem is for the bar owner who lived to serve breakfast to the "bunch of bums" who are public employees. For the owner of a small retail clothing or footwear, sencillito restaurant, family hotel, the neighborhood supermarket, the dealer who sells used cars .... And for their employees. This market sector will have it really far more difficult for survival than that of Loewe, Zalacaín, the Alfonso XIII hotel or Mercedes.
And as I mentioned, in this market is when we access most of the English. No doubt at least the officials, as we call them all, and pensioners.
Look, I'll show you what I mean by solidarity, responsibility, consistency and justice.
I have no problem in tightening the belt (if this, as I doubt you can fix something), so this money can be paid unemployment benefits, social costs and reduce the deficit. To get us out of this chaotic situation in which global conditions and the shameful ineptitude of our politicians (all signs) have gotten us. I think it is absolutely necessary, fair and reasonable. But there are two aspects that I would feel more satisfied and more relaxed.
One of them is that this effort that we are required to pensioners and public employees can not escape anyone in this country. Which all contribute and lend a shoulder ALL. Wealthy and less wealthy. Public and private employees. All workers and owners of large fortunes. Do not get to shake the more you earn, which you so you will notice relatively little.
The second point I would not even consider feel uncomfortable with this cut is that once this happens, will happen as all crises, we also return all the purchasing power we had before getting it. That not only private benefits from good times to us while we are kept, even leaving the country well, in the same economic situation in times of "social emergency." That when those moments happen, we revert to the situation we had before the crisis and to all my neighbors. No more pretend.
With these two conditions will gladly give my money to help make our country will not crumble altogether. To help now It has the misfortune to be unemployed and their families. I give it with your eyes closed. In solidarity, responsibility and because I consider it fair.
But you and I know that's not going to be. That has never happened that way.
Carlos, all that is just me having to help to solve this, it is unjust that we are not all we do. Have to continue to contribute to this even though "this" has passed. Can you give me one reason not to touch a large salaries that have not been cut, to the great fortunes? "I can give to the wage increases that apply to us after the" crisis "is made on a percentage much lower than the rise in CPI in the year to touch and frozen salaries (now reduced) for God knows how many years this time?.
This is not demagoguery. Reality is plain and simple. I think objectively, fairly and consistently. How were you before you see endangers a bit of how much you have.
If you want, I can give advice about a bad time to see horror that now I can touch you, simply grit your teeth and bear it. It is the medicine we take ourselves, "officials" as you call us. Here we go, pulling "palante." Working exactly the same, with the same responsibility that when we won more. Assuming in addition the work of the colleagues I will not be replaced by the crisis.
Another point: I would not think that now you're questioning the quality of the work of professionals in medicine, education, management, research, safety ..... I would not think that the ancient image of the "official" sleeve vague, poorly trained and unhelpful, even in your mind. .... Can not be so limited. And all this, we are not all officials, I would ask that we called well if you want to generalize. We report that the exact description is: Servants. Some of us do not have the job security that is both envy and, apparently justifies everything we say or do. There are many employment contracts that also apply to them, indeed, lower salaries, and that can be fired any day.
And here I just. I know this letter not going to read into your program, because of its size and its content. No matter, I just want you to read it (it generally available, and I'll take it) and think a little, if thou wilt, as you consider this humble ex-"buff" yours. And, if possible, stop the bitterness of public works mornings, but I fear that this letter will probably have the opposite effect if you have the pride that I do not know why now I presume. It will be so pissed off and hopefully I've mistaken me.
Regards and God we caught confessed. ALL, Carlos.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Name Of Song In Nambla Episode Of Southpark
ASDES Charity Calendar 2011
ASDES Charity Calendar 2011
Day / Time: Tuesday, November 30, 7:00 p.m. to 22:00
Location: Trier House Restaurant Sancho
; Mother Rafols, 2, Edificio Aida
Zaragoza, Spain
Created by
ASDES - Sport Solidarity Association
More information:
ASDES solidarity has its calendar 2011 with great photos of Photographers Zaragoza Aragon landscapes and scenery. Can be customized with logos of companies, organizations, etc. With the money raised will fund the next year ASDES activities for disadvantaged children with the values \u200b\u200bof sport and education. Price: 5 €. I hope.
ASDES Charity Calendar 2011
Day / Time: Tuesday, November 30, 7:00 p.m. to 22:00
Location: Trier House Restaurant Sancho
; Mother Rafols, 2, Edificio Aida
Zaragoza, Spain
Created by
ASDES - Sport Solidarity Association
More information:
ASDES solidarity has its calendar 2011 with great photos of Photographers Zaragoza Aragon landscapes and scenery. Can be customized with logos of companies, organizations, etc. With the money raised will fund the next year ASDES activities for disadvantaged children with the values \u200b\u200bof sport and education. Price: 5 €. I hope.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Bourne Ultimatum Binocullars
Homecoming Weekend with the tenth anniversary of the FEGATEA
The balance is very good for O Trasno and its members, visit new scenes and people, we work with groups for 1 st time, repeat with others and learn from everyone.
The remainder of the year we will devote to cook new projects and also the conclusion of tenth anniversary of the FEGATEA (Galician Federation of Amateur Theatre), which as a group feel a bit of our founder. participated in both events scheduled in Palas de Rei next weekend as the gala at the Teatro Principal de Santiago on 12 December.
Freedom Theatre and Creative
ended this year 2010, in the absence of any action that always comes late, with more than 15 performances, the organization of the IV Theater S. Andres Comesaña and celebrating our 30 anniversary.
The balance is very good for O Trasno and its members, visit new scenes and people, we work with groups for 1 st time, repeat with others and learn from everyone.
The remainder of the year we will devote to cook new projects and also the conclusion of tenth anniversary of the FEGATEA (Galician Federation of Amateur Theatre), which as a group feel a bit of our founder. participated in both events scheduled in Palas de Rei next weekend as the gala at the Teatro Principal de Santiago on 12 December.

From here we invite you all to share with O Trasno and other federated groups this important event.
Freedom Theatre and Creative
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Play Mighty Guy Part 3
With games to job
Retromania is retrocomputing annual event organized by the association RetroAcción Zaragoza. Its fourth edition will be held from 8 to 12 November 2010 as part of the activities of the "Third week of Engineering at the Polytechnic Center of the University of Zaragoza, with an entrance free. "They do not make games like they used to"
Oh, and the best sandwich ... That of lamb!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
How Hard Is The Softest Hardwood
Fernando's friend guilty of calling things by their name
Copy Magonia blog of
( facebook group in support of Fernando Cuartero )
Copy Magonia blog of
( facebook group in support of Fernando Cuartero )
a professor at University Sentenced to 204 euro fine for calling "swindlers" spiritualist about
Written by: Luis Alfonso Gámez.
Fernando Cuartero, Professor of Languages \u200b\u200band Information Systems and deputy director of Vice President Academic Research University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) , was sentenced to pay a fine of 204 euros as the author of a lack libel for having called in a letter of "vulgar scammers" to the organizers a spiritualist seminar held at the academic institution, in Albacete, October 31 and November 1 last year . The head of the Court of Instruction No. 1, Albacete, Otilia Martínez Palacios, considered the sentence that "even a social critique accepted the talk of parapsychology and pseudoscience, it is not to say that they are vulgar scammers, because socially these expressions are offensive and violate and undermine the reputation and prestige of the person to whom they are addressed. "
II The seminar called Life After Life was in October 2009 with the presence of parapsychologist Raymond Moody , author of Life after life (1976), and the medium Marilyn Rossner, who starred in a session spiritualist in the auditorium of the university Castilian-La Mancha. The organizer of the event, Rafael Campos, included at first the logo UCLM the call of the event and presented to the institution as a partner of the same, but had to remove it when it warned several teachers to the academic . One of the teachers who protested strongly the holding of an act of its kind in the UCLM was Fernando Cuartero, who addressed a letter to the rector of the campus of Albacete I published with permission .
"Pure pseudoscience and quackery"
The professor recalled in his letter that the seminar was "pure pseudoscience and quackery, which is completely inappropriate for a serious scientific institution as a university" and expressed its "total disapproval of such acts, as well as sessions on astrology, palmistry, clairvoyance, and other mumbo jumbo that should have no place in a venue like ours. " Called for the suspension the act and considered it "a painful insult" that advertising the seminar put "Help UCLM" would include the logo of the institution, "while wondering how someone from using improperly allowed the image of the UCLM." Here I would remind you that this is precisely what they want. This type of vulgar hustlers, for the modest pay a fee, get through a bad practice, an academic who is sought under completely false. And in any case, if they have been abused in our image, I think that is another reason to cancel the event, evidence of his bad faith, or at least require them to immediately cease such use. Let me make note that the mere fact that the university disposes of its facilities, and also appears as a collaborator of the event, will convey the impression that somehow the UCLM lends credibility to this type of activity, with all involved for the image of the university, and whether or not it is true that given any kind of endorsement ", wrote Cuartero.
from all the arguments, Rafael Campillo offensive consider the phrase:" This kind of vulgar hustlers, for the modest pay rates, obtained through a bad practice, an academic who is tried under completely false. "Cuartero and sued. The judge now believes" that such expressions are not necessary for the critical the seminar, exceeding that criticandi animus. In the same way that were not necessary to emphasize that parapsychology is not a science. "The judge, who condemns Cuartero to pay a € 204 fine and court costs, brings up the meaning of defrauding as SAR and says that by using con , Professor "is exceeding critical to the event to move to undermine the reputation and the honor of those who organize it. "Cuartero said already at the time he used the term not in reference to financial fraud, but as a metaphor of the trickster, charlatan and liar who, in this case, fraud morally society to appropriate the name and image to legitimize an act UCLM unscientific, as clear to anyone reading the phrase in question.
The judge added that "even a social critique accepted the talk of parapsychology and pseudoscience, it is not to say that scammers are vulgar, because socially these expressions are offensive and violate and undermine the reputation and prestige of the person they are directed. " That is, if someone comes to practice magic and therefore not be called scammer, but the magic does not exist. Or, taken to the event held last year in UCLM if someone charges a lot of gullible and put them in touch with loved ones dead and simulates it using all sorts of tricks not be called cheat him or his agent or promoter who exploited the naivety of the public. Really, send noses!
Fernando Cuartero do not know whether or not the sentence resort. Whatever the case, deserves advocates of critical thinking will give our moral support and, if necessary, economic. If you want to take the first step, join the group on Facebook Support Professor Fernando Cuartero.
15 years ago, sharing a group photo with his friend Fernando, El Escorial
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