Friday, February 20, 2009

Milena Velba The Best

New Trasna in 2009.

Our intention during 2009 is to promote our new book "Confidences by the wayside when life goes out there" even as they represent "D2N2, 3" every chance I get.

On day 13 we had the pleasure of representing "Confindencias in the gutter ..." as closure of an event dedicated to the women in the Museo Verbum de Vigo. The excellent reception that public, mostly women, gave our work, which is precisely the situation of women after the war, fills us with satisfaction and encouragement to move forward and seek further action.

On 7 March, again represented, this time in Freixo Cultural Centre in Vigo.

"O Novo Trasno Theatre also dedicate part of our time to more captives, so we were preparing a show for family audiences entitled" O case do cancino gone, "we put on stage Shrove Tuesday February 24 at 17 pm in the Nautilus Cultural Society of San Andrés de Comesaña in Vigo. This is an interactive show in which children will move from being spectators, to be part of the performance itself integrated into the development of it.

We also thank all those who forsake our blog comments and you keep your opinions, encouragement and congratulations that we dedicate. For us it is very encouraging to know that someone appreciates our effort to bring the THEATER where there are no big companies go.

Finally ask you, you know of a City that is organizing or Festival of Amateur Theatre, tell us to participate. What we "put" to amateur theater groups is to act, to show our work to whomever and wherever. Besos

and hugs "The Trasno NovoTeatro.


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