Post World Theatre Day.

World Theatre Day is an opportunity to celebrate the theater in a myriad of ways. The theater is a source of entertainment and inspiration, and has the ability to unify the various cultures and people worldwide. But the theater is much more than that and also provides opportunities to educate and inform.
Theatre is represented worldwide and not always in traditional scenarios. Representations can happen in a small village in Africa, on a mountain in Armenia or in a small Pacific island. All you need is a place and an audience. The Theatre has the ability to make us smile, make us mourn, but also should make us think and reflect.
Theatre comes from teamwork. The actors are the people who are, but there are a large number of people who can not see. Are as important as the actors and their varied and specialized production skills make possible. Should also share the triumphs and achievements that may occur.
March 27 is officially the World Theatre Day. In many ways every day should be considered days of theater, because we have the responsibility to continue the tradition to entertain, educate and enlighten our audiences, without whom we would not exist.
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