A less I will agree to dissatisfied customers, abused, and repressed Matrat is a telecommunications firms themselves.
It is necessary to amend the Telecommunications Act that is raised very much in favor of companies in the market, limiting the conditions for a more dignified and respectful, more welcome to the laws of the market, more open and transparent, no backbiting, hooks , illegal penalties and better perspective of developing the area. José Rafael Vargas, president and senator Indotel elected by the Espaillat Province, is absolutely right when proposed modification.
It calls for the creation of an Association of Users of Telecommunications Services.
In general, the telecommunications service is good, but there are gray areas and aggressive, qualified by abuse or neglect deficiencies of the service system, no one has raised serious face, preferring the path of the individual complaint.
No single executive of a phone that is raised:
"Let me make life miserable for my clients." Who
unless they agree that their service structures give rise to abuse and arbitrary is the telecom companies themselves. There are aspects to be reviewed and respectful dialogue to mount between telecommunications companies and customers. There must be an Association of Users of Telecommunications Services to address these corporate abuses.
This looks gray and smelly is not sold on the ads that come to us so strongly by the mass media, beginning with the penalties.
face is not shown. Neither marketing nor in the smiles of protocol with which we often receive the elegant girls and boys neatly trimmed customer service, when you get your turn.
The phone must have a sincere reunion with their users, no hooks, no personal disabilities that may impair your image. Without undue extortion in their contracts. No illegal fines and penalties.
Below I reproduce the article we wrote the manifesto weekend http://www.joserafaelsosa.com/
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not so clear nor so simple:
Orange and Claro TV Abusing
Recovery of penalties over what is owed by Orange is an abuse and illegality can not be allowed.
must act with the law on hand to put Orange on the job. Of course TV is having failures in service, from technical and customer service officers in the 220111, which affect the image of market leader and be doing that customers as a server, feel abused and disrespected. So leave the Claro TV service. Indotel Proconsumidor should know things not sold in the announcements of the telecommunications corporations. These complaints are to serve you better. And the announcement that they will face these abuses under the Act
Those who use telecommunications services are an amorphous mass, without a body to represent us and in full helplessness regarding the conditions imposed by the major telephone companies, with different shades ranging from surpassing the law to abuse and disrespect to their customers. Illegality
allowed? Put
fines, penalties or whatever you want to call it, is the prerogative of the courts of the Republic, faculty who are taking telephone companies to hit their users beyond the contractual debt and the payment of which are perfectly right. Customers do not aspire to stay with a single penny that we really on services and equipment offered by phone companies, which have the right to ensure that they are paid what they have advanced under an agreement.
That is an issue is clear and simple .- You have to start a movement against abuse, against issues not proclaim or in advertising or marketing activities to achieve good image. Who is your friend, who is simple and clear, do not deceive or mistreat you.
It takes up an association of users. We need to take legal action (beginning with an appeal of all cases in these conditions) and an appeal to the courts for unfair penalties, above what the debt you have, are prohibited.
Law Consumer Protection states that we can build partnerships by area and have the force of law in the process and reported cases. What happens is that we let loose and fun of a sector that should be respected: your customers.
One sample, two buttons. No that is not as clear nor as simple, is the predatory system Clear and Orange, (speaking from personal experience cases in this respect) to fine several times the value of the debt and that the justification put forward to penalize be "business reasons." Just to clarify that course, even criminalized, has a much more appropriate and close to the debt.
Is it simple? "! Páganos over your debt!".
It is not so simple in the case of Orange, which imposes penalties well above the debt and presses, hooks and tricks particularly in the use of so-called Fidepuntos, which automatically extended debts or services (even if they say the fine print contracts or documents that happen to one to sign without indicating that the step involves extending the contract).
My most recent case is the charge with my fidepuntos an umbrella, the customer service officer who attends me (to which I said I do not want to extend my current contract and for which I refuse to buy a cell after the loss of my iPhone) sweeps me a letter of receipt of the umbrella (I believe so strongly in the right faith service I passed and signed). Additionally you have to establish that they are my fidepuntos earned based on a bill 4 000 600 pesos a month. That is
buy an umbrella (which costs 300 pesos market) is paying me 8 thousand dollars more to Orange, against our will and the product of incomplete reporting, incompetent or bad faith on customer service. It is not so simple.
habíaadquirido Three months before another umbrella without forcing me to extend the contract by force. I think about at home? This validation of my fidepuntos with an umbrella I have extended the contract? And I decide to go to ask the central office. I hope my turn and when serve me, tell me so. I must pay now until February 2011 and not until December (if I have also arisen in the Office of Defense Users Indotel).
announce that I will fight the case. And the previous case.
course I was in cable. In course, the situation is very different. Extra service acquired Claro TV story (not my area was available for the top cable). Once the company already has available, ask to change Parable Superior Cable, paying more but with the advantages of having more channels conexcelente image. Before the course was the National Telecable Tricom, the company that taught me to see cable since my teens.
sends its technical course, I put the cable service to replace the parabola (strangely not carry the boxes of the parabola) and never reported that this service was withdrawn. Stop what it says is "the order to open." Card payment service subscribed for automatic deduction but I notice that the card fills up very soon. In the bill, seeing it in detail, we find that we are discounting the past two months, the two cable services, the parabola and the cable, which is to claim.
To make the picture more interesting, the wire service course every three days is damaged and must call for further instructions (call each takes over half an hour). On screen as often as every 48 or 73 hours, there were two signs: ¨ Error Loading, "or" client initialization ¨.
service I get tired of these conditions and I go to look into the Customer Service office on Avenida Maximo Gomez Correa and Cidrón both deficiency and overpayment on my account, which includes 800 pesos movie rental PPV (without ever having paid one) There, after waiting 40 minutes standing (which is no less other abuse), I report that the cable bill in parables was because the system did not recognize the suspension (then we learned was that technicians left open order "and I suggest that process will prove to me those values \u200b\u200bto my ordinary account (home phone or a PC purchased via a computer leading to excellent service has given me, by the way CECOMSA .)
No explanation for the 800 pesos of income is never rented movies. It remains for me to trust in that particular service and request to withdraw my debit card.
The next day, when I watch TV, guess what?: The screen just goes · Charging ¨. Call 809 220 1111, where the service tells me that you can not do anything about customer service (for Fortunately the company has recorded call) and the girl who serves me, asking me my information tells me that I have two cable services. Two cable services! .
I wonder if the file you are looking at there is a complaint the previous day and the actions developed to report the situation stems from a failure of technicians that I installed the TV service Superior Sure. I say no. I ask a supervisor or supervisor. I said no supervisors. A unit of telephone service without monitors? Lying revolts me. And the lack of respect for me is unacceptable.
I'm one the few customers who writes on the subject. I have already written three essays on the subject (The Secretaries, 2002, Customer Service, Voice of the Victims (2002) and I, The Customer 2010).
know it is not possible to operate a telephone customer without supervision. I feel cheated and lied.
no cable service charged me full, unable to fix it, charging two services for a company error and quasi scammed by the payment of 800 pesos to rent movies that I've never done (and it remains unclear .) I close the phone the wrong way and go to the service office on Avenida Maximo Gomez and explained that I can not get cable service in a company that tells me not supervisors to attend the event which is out of the ordinary.
The officer serves me, one of the best I've ever known, asks me one last chance to restore the service and see what happens to the double recovery, indicating that everything is fixable. My patience and no more. It is my final course TV. The service itself is the best, but details are neglected and we disrespect people who do not have the capacity to adequately deal with sensitive situations. Of course I removed the TV service, hoping that no one else go through these situations.
not intend to stay with a penny that I belong and that is Orange, but I do not accept the abuse. I do not intend to leave no Of course my money. We will agree on the credit of that money and I always regret that a company that is indisputably the leader, allowing the deterioration of service both by telephone and in the aspect of technical assistance, without apology, or allow one to be cared for properly.
legal Action.
Legally, telecommunications companies can not act with impunity. We will contact lawyers and users. It is not our case. People client will not even fully aware of their rights and are frightened by the challenge of conflict, without realizing that complain and drive corrective actions to defects and abuses, we are improving our service free loans and grants to meet the tenets of its mission and vision.
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