Servet Statue beside the door
auditorium of the University of Zaragoza
Servetus was born (probably) in Villanueva de Sijena in 1511, ie 500 years ago (while in El Pueyo de Araguás building the Crown House ). As and told his family was originally from Servetus. In 1553, in his Christianismi Restitutio , was the first to describe the pulmonary circulation (the part of the circulatory system that carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs, and then return it back oxygenated the heart). This is the piece of text which became Servet History:
No only for such gifts, but also that we breathes the divine spirit, it says that God gives us his Spirit (Genesis 2 and 6). Our soul is like the flame of God (Proverbs 20). It's like a flame of the spirit of God, a reflection of the wisdom of God, created in the likeness of the spiritual wisdom contained therein, while preserving the innate light of divinity, the flame of that wisdom and the very spirit of divinity . God himself states in Chapter 6 that the spirit of divinity was innate in man even before the sin of Adam. Our life is given and is sustained through the blessing of his breath, as Job says Ch. 10, 32 et seq. God breathed the divine spirit in the face of Adam with a breath of air, so it lasts (Isaiah 2 and Psalm 103). God keeps us the breath of life with your spirit, giving breath to the people who inhabit the earth and spirit to those treading, so we live and move and exist in Him (Isaiah 42 and Acts 17). Wind from the four winds and breath of the four breaths of God revive the dead (Ezekiel 37). Since a puff of air, God gives men the divine spirit in which the life of inspired air was innate. Hence, the Hebrew for "spirit" is represented in the same way as "breath." From the air, God gives the divine spirit, entering the atmosphere with the very spirit and flame of the divinity itself fills the air. As quoted by Aristotle in his books De Anima, the idea of \u200b\u200bOrpheus that the divine spirit is carried by the wind and comes with a full inspiration is true. Ezekiel's teachings tell us that the divine spirit has a kind of elemental substance, and as God himself teaches, it's something in the substance in the blood. Explain this matter carefully so that you can well understand that the substance of the created spirit of Christ is fundamentally linked to the substance of the holy spirit. I refer to air spirit because language sacred there is no special name for air. Moreover, this indicates that the divine breath is present in the air that fills the spirit of the Lord.
For you, reader, may have the whole doctrine of the divine spirit and mind, add here the explanation of divine philosophy easily understand if you have knowledge of anatomy. Is said to exist in us a spirit triple consists of three higher elements, natural, vital and animal. Afrodiseo are described as three spirits. However, there are three but one spirit (spiritus). The vital spirit is that which communicates through the anastomosis from the arteries to the veins, which it is called natural spirit. Therefore, the first, the natural spirit, is the blood and is found in the liver and the veins of the body. The second is the vital spirit, which is in the heart and arteries of the body. The third is the animal spirit, a ray of light, and is in the brain and nerves. In all these lies the power of a single spirit and light of God. The formation of man in the matrix shows that the vital spirit communicates from the heart to the liver. For an artery joined to a vein is transmitted through the umbilicus of the fetus, and Similarly, shortly after the artery and vein are always joined us. The divine spirit of Adam was inspired by God to the heart before reaching the liver, and from there it was transmitted to the liver. The divine spirit was really at the mouth and nose, but the inspiration is extended to the heart. The heart is the first living thing, the heat source is in the midst of the body. Liver takes the liquid of life, a kind of substance, and in return he gives life, so that liquid water provides material for higher substances and through them and light, is vivified so that, in turn, can gaining strength. The material of the divine spirit is the blood of the liver from an amazing process that you will now hear. Hence to say that the divine spirit is in the blood and that he is the blood or blood spirit. I do not mean that the divine spirit is found mainly in the walls of the heart, brain or liver, but in the blood, as God says in Genesis 9, Leviticus, Deuteronomy 7 and 12.
this matter there must first understand the important development of the vital spirit, consisting of a subtle blood nourished by the inspired air. The vital spirit has its origin in the left ventricle the heart and lungs have an important role in its development. It is a rarefied spirit produced by the force of heat, reddish yellow (flava) and power equal to that of fire. So it is a kind of very pure vapor of blood that contains in itself the substance of water, air and fire. Generated in the lungs from a mixture of inspired air with elaborated, subtle blood which the right ventricle of the heart communicates with the left. However, this communication is made through the central wall of the heart, as is commonly believed, but, through an ingenious system, blood flows over a long journey through lungs. Issued by the lungs, becomes reddish-yellow and is poured from the pulmonary artery to the pulmonary vein. Then, once in the pulmonary vein, mixed with inspired air and through expiration it is cleansed of impurities. So the whole mixture, suitably prepared for the production of the vital spirit is driven from the left ventricle through diastole.
know that this communication is thus established through the lungs by the different combinations and connecting the pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein in the lung cavity. The considerable size of the pulmonary artery confirms, it would not emit so that size and strength of pure blood from the heart to the lungs only to provide their nourishment. Nor would this service the heart to the lungs, then, as Galen, during the first months of pregnancy, the embryo, the lungs receive food from elsewhere because those little membranes or valves of the heart are not opened until delivery. Therefore, the fact that the blood Mane so abundantly from the heart to the lungs at the very moment of birth has another purpose. Similarly, it sends air mixed with blood, not just air from the lungs to the heart through the pulmonary vein, so that mixing occurs in the lungs. This spirit blood becomes reddish yellow in the lungs, not the heart.
Not enough space on the left ventricle of the heart for so great and rich mixture or for there to print the color is reddish yellow. In addition, the central wall is not fit to carry out this process of communication and development, because it lacks vessels and mechanisms that allow it, but perhaps something could pass it. As in the liver produces a transfusion of blood from the portal vein to the vena cava, in the lung blood transfused the spirit of the artery lung to the pulmonary vein. If one compares these processes with those that Galen described in books VI and VII of De usu partium, he will thoroughly understand a truth which was unknown to Galen.
Thus, the vital spirit is injected into the left ventricle of the heart to arteries throughout the body and to be more rarefied seeks the higher regions where it is further developed, especially in the plexus located retiform the bottom of the base of the brain. And approaching to the rational soul, the spirit animal begins to form from the vital spirit. Again by the mighty power of the mind, is thinned Moreover, it develops and is completed in the fine capillary vessels called arteries are located in the choroid plexus and contain one's own mind. These plexuses penetrate all the hidden parts of the brain surrounding the ventricles of the brain internally, and these vessels, wrapped and woven together until the beginning of the nerves, serves to introduce the latter the power of sensation and movement. These vessels are intertwined with great precision, and although they are called arteries, they are the termination of the arteries that extend with the help of the meninges to the origin of the nerves. This is a new type of glasses. As in the process of blood transfusion of the veins to the arteries in the transfusion of the arteries to the nerves there is a new type of membrane blood vessels in the meninges, since especially the meninges preserve the membranes of nerves. The sensitivity of the nerves is not in their soft, as in the brain. Every nerve ending in a membranous strands have extraordinary sensitivity and, for this reason, there always comes a spirit. And, as a source, since these small vessels of the meninges, or choroid plexus, the animal spirit flows like lightning through the nerves into the eyes and other sensory organs. Following the same route in reverse, are sent to the same source, light images of things causing sensations penetrating inwardly through the transparent medium, ie the spirit.
From all this it becomes abundantly clear that the rational soul is housed in the soft mass of the brain, as it is cold and without feelings. However, this area is cold to help alleviate the searing heat containing vessels, acts as a cushion above the vessels to avoid breakage and as a guardian animal spirit so that it does not disperse in the air when communicating with the nerves. Therefore, there is also the nerves form the layer membrane of the inner cavity, thus being a faithful guardians of the spirit by withholding from the meninges softer and retain the other from the most fibrous. Those empty spaces of the ventricles of the brain that baffle philosophers and doctors, do not contain anything but the spirit. The ventricles were created primarily as a sewer that receives the impurities from the brain to analyze the stool from which originate a deflujos unhealthy and to facilitate passage to the palate and nose. When the ventricles are completely filled with the phlegm in which the arteries themselves or the choroid plexus are submerged, then suddenly a stroke occurs. If a highly toxic humor obstructs a region, and its vapor infects the brain, epilepsy occurs. Cause other diseases as part of the body where it settles when it is expelled. Therefore, we can confirm that it is the mind that is clearly afflicted. Due to the excessive heat of those vessels, or inflammation of the meninges, an obvious delirium and hysteria. From the diseases that are produced according to site and substance, because of the strength of the heat and the ingenious construction of the vessels containing it, and from the actions of the mind present in it, we can conclude that we must consider carefully these small vessels, because all the other elements and sensory nerves are linked to them so they can receive their force. Finally, we see that the intellect is exercised in the area where, following the thought that it is concentrated, these arteries throb to the temples. He who has not seen this, scarcely understand. The ventricles were second to that part of the inspired air enters through the ethmoid bones to their empty spaces, attracted by the diastole of the vessels of the spirit, cool and ventilate the animal spirits contained within and the soul . In these vessels, mind, soul and fiery spirit require constant ventilation, otherwise, as if it were an eternal fire which has been covered, there would be suffocation. As in the case of an ordinary fire, not only requires venting and blowing so you can take fuel from the air, but also for its sooty vapors can be released into the air. And so, the common external fire is attached to a thick earthy body due to a common dry form of light and a common, to get the fluid from the body as your food is blown, sustained and nourished by the air. So that fiery spirit and soul are linked to the body equally, and having blood as food. Is blown, sustained and fed by the airy spirit through the inspiration and expiration, so that there is a double power, spiritual and corporeal.This work would cost him his life. Calvin himself wrote the complaint that Servetus was accused of heresy by the publication of a book full of endless blasphemy "for" destroying the foundations of Christianity by various heresies about the Trinity, the person of Christ, the immortality of the soul or the baptism of children. "
was sentenced to be carried Champel Hill (near Geneva, Switzerland) for the next day, being burned there next to her books. William Farel, Minister City of Neuchatel, had arrived that morning at the request of Calvin. Miguel Servet tried to renounce his ideas to, and thus save his life, but Servetus remained firm in his convictions. Just begging for another form of death, fear of suffering in the fire forced him at last to have to recant. Farel accompanied him to the place of execution, where a large crowd had gathered, and there he died (October 27, 1553). _________________________________
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