Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Samsung Tv Keeps Turning Off

And you? Where do you sleep?

James Mollison published in this book, Where Children Sleep ( Where the children sleep ), sponsored by Save the Children -Italy, his photographs taken around the world in the bedroom children very different. Each photo is accompanied by a brief description. The book is designed to appeal to people of all ages and texts can be easily understood by children as young as nine years.

Mollison says in his introduction:
I hope the pictures and stories in this book speak to the children. Yes, so that children lucky (as I was) to see what they have. But more than that, I hope this book will help children to think about inequality within and among societies around the world, and perhaps understand how they can begin to address this reality in their own lives. Pick
Here are five examples, you can see a few more in the Blog P. lion.

Ryuta is ten years. Live in Tokyo, Japan with her parents and younger sister. Is sumo wrestling champion, which is seven years competing. Was very fat three years, so his parents decided to enter the sumo. Today is one of the heaviest in their age group in high school. He is accustomed to eating three large meals a day, including sausages and scrambled eggs for breakfast, but it is increasingly concerned by weight, especially since one of his friends died of a heart attack linked to obesity. At school, his friends admire him because he never lost a battle. Ryuta also belongs to the scout movement and enjoys outdoor activities like hiking, biking and camping. In her spare time she enjoys watching television or playing with the computer. Ryuta wants to be a day television presenter, and also have a family.

Prena lives in Kathmandu, Nepal. Your room is a very small, like a cell at the top of the house where he works as a maid. Their diet is mostly rice and vegetables. Has fourteen years and is one of thousands of child domestic workers in their country. Prena performed household chores such as sweeping, cleaning, cooking and washing. Starts work at five in the morning and ends at six o'clock. For this work wins Nepali rupees five hundred per month (about 5 €). Send the money to his parents, who have eight children to support. Prenatal visits his family twice a year. Going to school three times a week - for it is most important in your life. She admires her teacher, who has become his mission to educate children and pregnant. Le would be a doctor when she grows up.

Rhiannon lives in a townhouse in Darvel, southern Scotland, a picturesque village famous for the manufacture of lace. Is fourteen and lives with his parents and brother. The area is plagued by heroin addiction and gang violence. Your school is full of students who have been expelled from schools in the vicinity of Glasgow. Rhiannon is cut from six years to the mohican hair, like their parents. She and her family and friends are part of the punk subculture, and have formed a supportive community where everyone care for one another. They are accustomed to people in their neighborhood to mess with them. Rhiannon has been bullied at school by their appearance, but fought back and now let it calm. He plays guitar, drums and bass and also sings. His father has his own band.

Irken lives in Kenya with his mother, in a provisional farm surrounded by an enclosure of thorns to protect the family's livestock. Belongs to the tribe Rendille, who lives a semi-nomadic life in the harsh desert regions Kaisut. Irken is now fourteen years and must be circumcised before leaving the community "manyatta" (The village). This ritual marks the first stage of his initiation into adulthood. At the ceremony of circumcision - publicly held - should not mourn or your family will feel ashamed. Irken then become a 'Morani' (young warrior), and live in the bush with other warriors. Have weapons for hunting and a wooden stool for a pillow. During the month prior to his circumcision, Irken must kill as many birds as possible with his sling, and their bodies hung from his neck as a status symbol, showing his maturity and ability to hunt.

This seventeen year old teenager prefers to be known as "X " after Malcolm X, the black activist. X lives in Complexo da Maré, a favela near the airport in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where children from an early age are forced to declare allegiance to a gang in the area. Failure to do so may suffer violent reprisals and even death. X acts as a middle-ranking lieutenant in the Commando Vermelho (Red Command), a local gang of drug trafficking. One of its functions is to deal with the 'soldiers' (the younger members of the gang) that are placed around the favela to monitor the movements police. The 'soldiers' release flares to alert the band when the police entered the area. X carries a gun for protection, but also has access to an AK-47, which he adores. His ambition is to be "leader of the favela." X has no fixed abode. It moves a lot, often sharing with other gang members.

Because "we are the land where we were born (and where we grew up) than we imagine" (José Saramago).


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