Works by Ricardo Macias Picavea:
published a manual elementary grammar America, a compendium of geography, several short stories and two novels, and political articles in a Republican newspaper that he came to direct Valladolid, La Libertad (1881). Republican was in the Town Hall of Valladolid since he was elected aldermen in 1891 until leaving voluntarily in 1895 in reaction to what he called accommodation of Republicanism to the Restoration. Macias defended an organic model of society that reaffirmed the central role of mediating structures (family, town, province, region, and corporations) against individualism russoniano. Wanted land reform and recommended a type of actions as civilized as civil disobedience. He also defended Darwinism against neocatholic attacks.
The national problem. Facts, causes, remedies (Madrid, 1899), is in line regeneracionista whose leading figure was Joaquín Costa. Macías posed problems and concrete solutions aimed, in part, intended to rise above mere ideology. Macías part of some optimism: the geographical and racial limitations of the English can be overcome through education and addressing structural economic issues as the use of water resources.

most interesting part of the national problem is its critical approach caciquismo prevailing political, and exposure of the sham democracy implemented by Cánovas. But an analysis of the education system. For he is bookish and rote learning, not practical or laboratory experimentation, and uncritical of sources, there is interest in how science is done: "That is not taught in Spain" ... Students living away from home, no discipline, no corporate life, dissipated, idle, owners of the scandal and frequenters of bars. Constant strikes and holidays. Teachers leave for a moment the clinic or office and explain the matter to a large group, bored, indifferent evening to walk ... And then before exams all be remedied with a manual and course syllabus. Parents press and ask easy runs ... The manuals are not expensive maybe, not mandatory, but are a good expression of the existing level, with the exceptions: "Doctrines archaeological theories of arbitrary invention, errors incredible, inexplicable ignorance, language, without art, and even without grammar ...". Statistical data on public costs of education, minimum-round criticism. In his recipes on universities, says enough four centers, each with a doctorate, comprehensive, with laboratories, museums and libraries, constant exercise of the students; other normal and special courses for professors and assistants added, discipline on the life of the school, monitoring of lodgings, corporations of students to study and work, excursions, games and sports.
is, in a minor key, the diagnosis of Costa oligarchy and despotism. It was also the author of Notes and studies on public education and its amendments 1882, elementary geography. Teaching and rationed Compendium 1895, Cervantes' death, the mechanics of the shock and the right to force. It is also the author of poems and essays and as a storyteller is nestled within the natural for his novels The law of force and Tierra de Campos (1888), who spent almost unnoticed, and where, with great amenities, boasts a fine and bitter humor. Aúltima Est is set in the agricultural crisis of the eighties, although some of places known as Medina de Rioseco, is situated in an imaginary place called Valdecastro, supposedly located halfway between Uruena Tiedra and Mota del Marqués (calling Mauda in the novel). The protagonist of the novel is Manuel Bermejo, who returns home to begin an adventure-based regenerative rational and scientific exploitation of the earth. His numerous articles have been collected by Fernando Hermida de Blas.
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