Dominicanode Journalists Association, called for a solidarity night starts at 7 in the auditorium Orlando Martínez, including a call for support and Dreams exhibition of the film, a masterpiece of director Akira Kurosawa .
Free admission begins at 7 pm. We are inviting representatives of the Embassy and the Japanese colonies.
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What Do Dreams?
Light the sun through the rain
There is an old legend in Japan, which says that when the sun is shining through the rain, the foxes hold their weddings. In this first dream, a boy defies the wish of a woman, possibly his mother, to stay home for a day like this. Hidden behind a large tree in the nearby forest, the child witnesses the slow procession of the kitsune (Japanese word for fox). Unfortunately, it is discovered by the foxes and runs.
When he tries to return home, the same woman said that a fox had come to the house, leaving a small sword. He says this means that the child should commit suicide because foxes are angry at the unwanted observer. The woman asks the child to go and ask forgiveness from the foxes, although known to be ruthless. So the boy sets off in the mountains, under a rainbow, to the site where the house of the kitsune.
The Peach Orchard and the Feast of
Doll Hina Matsuri, the Feast of the wrist, traditionally takes place in spring when the peach blossoms are in full bloom. The dolls on display are representative of peach trees and pink flowers. The family of a child, however, has cut his peach orchard, so the child feels left out of the party this year. After going with her sister and her friends and discuss the missing one and only sister said that they, being scolded by her older sister, the boy surprises a young girl (the girl missing) running out the front door . The follows the treeless orchard, where the dolls in the collection of his sister have come to life. The living dolls berate the boy for cutting the precious trees, but after realizing how much this child loved the flowers, agreed to forgive in a slow and beautiful dance to the music of Gagaku.
Snow Storm
A group of climbers fight a mountain trail against a snowstorm, lost in the blinding snow and wind, the white blanket covering. A strange woman (possibly the Yuki-onna of Japanese myth) appears out of nowhere and tries to lure the last conscious man to his death. After regaining consciousness, the men discover that their fate was not too far after all.
Tunnel A Japanese army officer travels to a desolate road at night, returning from the war. Enter through a large concrete pedestrian tunnel, where an intense darkness. Suddenly, a dog, looking angry, almost demonic, the tunnel runs and growls, then disappeared. The officer, however, moves on and out the other side of the tunnel, but then something awful presence: a soldier leaves behind him in the tunnel, with the blue face of death.
The soldier did not seem to believe that he is dead, but the officer convinced him and the soldier returns to the darkness of the tunnel. Just when you think you've seen the worst, the officer sees his third full pack, marching out of tunnel. Try to tell them they are dead, and expresses his guilt for letting them die in war. He then decides to return, followed by a second occurrence of the infernal dog, which was used as an anti-tank dog (dogs with explosive charges were directed against enemy tanks during the Second World War). This is one of three developed nightmares Kurosawa film. Ravens
This brilliant color vignette was portrayed by Martin Scorsese as Vincent van Gogh .
An art student is within the vibrant and sometimes chaotic world inside Van Gogh's artwork, where he met the artist in a field and converses with him. A student at a time lose track of the artist (who lost an ear and nearing the end of his life) and travels through other works trying to find it. Van Gogh's painting Wheat Fields with Crows is an important element in this dream . For this dream, Kurosawa takes the prelude No. 15 in D flat major of Polish composer Frederic Chopin .
The Mount Fuji in Red
This is the second sequence is a nightmare on film. A nuclear power plant near Mount Fuji has begun to melt, turning the sky a horrendous red and that means that millions of Japanese citizens desperately fleeing across the ocean where migratory birds. Three adults and two children are abandoned in the region, but realize that the radiation kill them anyway in a short time.
Weeping Ogre
A man (possibly the same [Kurosawa) is wandering around a misty mountainous terrain and dark. Meet a oni (creature of Japanese folklore, similar to the ogres or controls in the West), which has mutated into a human being with a horn. This demon explains that he has been in a nuclear holocaust that resulted in the loss of animals, damage to nature, and the emergence of human beings who grew horns, which caused them such agony that you can hear howling at night .
This is the last of the three sequences nightmares. This is in fact corresponds an apocalyptic message that tells the classic Buddhist fable of the same name.
El Pueblo de los Molinos de Agua
A young man enters a quiet village where every house or building has a water mill. The traveler meets a wise old man who is fixing a wheel of a watermill which has decomposed. The old man explains that people of his village decided to give up the pollution caused by modern technology and opted to return to an era nicer and cleaner, which the company had already left long ago. They have chosen the spiritual health rather than convenience, and the traveler is surprised and intrigued by this idea.
At the end of the sequence (and film), takes place in the municipality the funeral of an elderly woman, and that rather than mourn, people are joyfully celebrating what they perceive as the right end for a good life. This segment was filmed at the Daio Wasabi farm , located in Nagano Prefecture . )
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