This film quality is the highest point it has reached the Dominican film. What they have achieved Laura Amelia Guzmán and Israel Cárdenas, a precedent that opens a whole new perspective and demonstrates the creative capacity of a fact as seemingly local and bi-national, to move to share the universal human condition of the background in focus. Jean Gentil
also is a timely film that shows another approach to the linkage between ethnic groups and national communities, conditioned from the approaches of power, conflict and discrimination between them.
In its relatively short history, the Dominican film industry, stripped to the present of a national law that encourages investment and free choice of topics and genres, the films made by national artists, had not had a play with the conditions and characteristics Jean Gentil.
no right to condemn the entire national film made to date. The cinema is the sum of all genres. The film is wide and varied. And it depends on many conditions. But sometimes displayed jewelry. Jean Gentil is one of them. I think the most important film of the nascent concept of copyright, in the Dominican Republic.
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