In one of the eight short that integrate Dreams, entitled Mount Fuji in Red, said a tragedy caused by the eruption of the volcano that caused the explosion of six nuclear power plants, whose radiation kills thousands of Japanese and refers that many swallows the sea.
Mount Fuji in Red complaint and join a natural disaster (the eruption) with the rad

the Parliament of the nuclear plant executive, commenting on the radiation that lies before them, says
"Clouds ... The red is plutonium-239, a tenth of a million gram causes cancer. The yellow is Strontium 90, puts you within and cause leukemia. The violet is 137 Celsius, affects reproduction. Causes mutations, engenders monstrosities. Human stupidity is incredible, the radioactivity was invisible, being dangerous, they put colors. That only serves to know which one you killed. It is the card of death. "
Above: The prayer goes Luz del Carmen Beato with those attending the screening of the film Dreams last night at the Dominican College of Journalists. Photo courtesy of Genris GarcĂa of
The image, taken from the movie Dreams, Akira Kurosawa, the fictionalized eruption of Mount Fuji, causes the explosion of six nuclear plants and sea attack that decimated the population.
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Before killing himself, the nuclear plant executive explains the types of radiation that surround the environment and in the film are identified by colored flags for everyone. The executive goes on to say that this classification is only for chromatic radiation know what "you killed" because they are all mortal.
The premonition rocked the crowd last night display Kurosawa's film in the auditorium Orlando Martinez, the Dominican College of Journalists, preceded by a statement from the president of CDP, Aurelio Henriquez, for Japan is supported by the current world that lives under tragic circumstances.
At the end of the projection, which was attended by many journalists and read a statement supporting the Japanese people, Luz del Carmen Beato said a prayer with all the crowd holding hands in a circle in the auditorium Orlando Martinez asking for solidarity from Japan. In his prayer, said the nation faces a challenge to be overcome.
Akira Kurosawa
Born in Tokyo in 1910. His directorial debut was with "great judo legend" (1943) and "The new legend of the great judo" (1945), stories full of nationalistic spirit. He became known internationally with "Rashomon" (1950), a film which addresses a violation occurring in the eleventh century, and which was won the Golden Lion at the Venice and the Oscar for best foreign production in 1951.
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