Now as director of the Institute for Consumer Protection, has had to accept the demands of that office, which has faced on all sectors that offer services or products.
has been confiscated and incinerated thousands of products out of date or damaged in establishments whose owners should be prosecuted and exposed.
is the same officer to report the scam to many fillers Propane gas, those who rob the public by charging an amount and deliver another of LPG, which is common agenda has been a delusion that she still reported.
is the same good head that is required to observe the law on contracts of adhesion, containing unfair terms (it is said that about 27) and to gener

She had to face the written position of banking business associations expressed their opposition to deliver Proconsumidor contracts.
She faced a media campaign by writers and to the Dominican Bar Association, (the worst of his gaffes), rejecting the law is fulfilled.
She faced initial opposition from the Superintendency of Banks which eventually acted as an enabling factor for the situation, which should be recognized in law. Against
she submitted an appeal at the request of banks to prevent the delivery of contracts. Against it was conceived
all a maneuver to be dismissed in the traditional changes that take place from February 27.
What did President Fernandez was recognized as deserving women on 8 March.
What has finally made the Superintendency of Banks was to submit all contracts of adhesion, which will be studied now in a period of 30 days has been Proconsumidor. Does not depend on being present in a position for which has been ratified.
Altagracia Paulino is the kind of officer we should have in all decision-making positions in public administration.
During this process, was not alone.
knew who was really at his side.
By believing in it.
For supporting management that honors every state.
La Altagracia Paulino is a good head.
We are proud to say.
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