Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Cervical Mucas Is Creamy After Ovulation

died Luis Adames

Luis Adames, died today an anaphylactic shock after being anesthetized to correct a herniated disc in the Clinical Gómez Patiño, a person was not widely known by the public, but his work - the reception and management of international cables and editing digital version El Nacional - was given daily by people who do not know who was behind this service. Today, the sensation of pain was sad coverage in the editorial offices of El Nacional, where the news distressing and stay as a flame burning in which until now have been his colleagues.

Adames, unforgettable friend and we began to appreciate now that it has gone unexpectedly, I was terribly well organized and methodical, which has a sparkling sense of humor and was awarded a level of intuitive intelligence to pleasing the spending time at his side . It is not required that determines the courtesy to speak well of one who has died. He was a valuable, helpful and remarkably supportive.

Adames, who came to El Nacional for 23 years as a driver, a study on communication { at the Institute of Journalism, founded by Salvador Pitaluga, to be worthy of being considered for appointment as manager of cables for central redaccón. In his performance showed a remarkable ability to manage Internet content, so it added to its functions of web page editor of El Nacional.


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